Reply to post: Re: Jobs under threat.

Trade union threatens work-to-rule action over HPE Lancashire job cuts


Re: Jobs under threat.

So Sherlock, your deduction was correct. What's your brief?

It was a tad obvious, no?

As regards for myself, what can I tell you, I work for a bank. Its not been any fun for a long time now, and it certainly isn't what you're thinking it is. Lots of hours, lots of real pressure, and lots of years now since anyone had a decent pay rise, or indeed, any rise at all. Oh, and we all get tarred with the same brush, making us about as popular as Jimmy Saviles party planner.

Unions always destroy the industries and employers in which they reside. It's why they virtually don't exist in the real world anymore; mostly they're just confined to the state sector and various spin offs. Sadly, nobody at any union has ever paused to reflect upon why that might be. And none of them ever will.

12 months after the closure of your site, contact your members and work out what percentage of their old package (including pension) they're earning now. It will be less than half, because it is always that way, and that will reveal the market rate for their skills, not whatever your union last extracted under threats of strikes.

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