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Your xenophobia is killing us, Silicon Valley warns US Congress


These travel restrictions are a reaction to terrorism, not general immigration. They are xenophobic because there is no proven way to effectively discriminate against terrorists. Trump's idea of a ban on Muslim immigration is more targeted but wouldn't work, because the terrorists would claim to be of a different religion. An alternative might be to require certain visa applicants to wear an electronic tracking device. It's still discriminatory, but it would overcome the inconvenience caused by the present rules.

To those blaming wars on the military, the buck always stops with politicians. Some military generals talk up the threat to justify their budget increases, but they are not responsible for initiating conflict. If military personnel conscientiously object to fight a war they don't agree with, they are liable to be court-marshalled. Given that most wars the US is involved in nowadays aren't motivated by the need to defend the US but instead are geopolitical in nature, then traditional patriots motivated to defend their country should avoid joining the US military. It's ironic that some of the people who advocate US military intervention around the world, and expect US military personnel not to exercise their conscience, are often in support of prosecuting those from other countries who were also just following orders.

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