Reply to post: Re: army of Stanford/MIT/etc PhDs

Black Monday: Office 365 down and out in Europe

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: army of Stanford/MIT/etc PhDs

On the surface you are of course correct in what you say.

But if that were the case in practice, (historical example springs to mind) why did Cogswell and Russinovich feel the need to write utilities that Microsoft's army of coders could easily have written themselves (they having the source-code, after all)? As I understand it, Microsoft could not have had such tools in their tool-chest, otherwise why buy the company that concocted them (Sysinternals)?

My belief is that the "army" needs to have appropriate motivation to achieve things, and quite often there is no motivation to do things right when decisions are made by committee and there is no incentive to do things well without due recognition.

This is where the "small guy" can usurp the "big guy".

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