Reply to post: "same kernel"

Intel shows budget Android phone powering big-screen Linux

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"same kernel"

No no no no no.

This isn't what people have in mind when it comes to a Linux desktop on a smart phone.

What we have here is another attempt at what Asus did with its netbooks.

I cant even remember the name of the sucked that hard.

Linux is a niche market, the vast majority of people that will be interested in carrying a "Linux desktop" around on a smart phone will want some key features...or at least I do...

1. A terminal with root access (this will clearly be out)

2. A package manager aligned with their favoured distro or some alternative thereof. E.g. apt, yum, pacman etc

2.1. If no package manager then a compiler of some sorts.

3. The ability to customise the filesystem as they see fit.

The year of Linux may never happen but engineers will always favour it.

They are the reason for most of the market share...cater to them.

Don't try and foist Linux on granddad and grandma because its cheaper.


Ill pay a premium for a "pure" Linux phablet, I really will...just make it worth it.

Im sure a lot of geeks balls would explode if that ever happened.

This is why we wanted Sailfish to do well and missing features like the ones above are what basically killed it.

Dont try and yank us in with a product that has a pretty face only to reveal that what you actually have is a T girl with a manly set of cock and balls and hairy armpits*

*If thats your thing im sorry I offended, just swap the two examples round.

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