Reply to post: Re: FUD and nonsense

Latest in Apple v FBI public squabble over iPhone crack demand

chris 17 Silver badge

Re: FUD and nonsense

@tom dial

Where have you been this last week?

iPhones newer than the one in question are not susceptible to this kind of brute force as the pin entry and rate counter is in hardware not software. Even if the 10 wrong pins and wipe feature is disabled on new phones, the rate limit slows so it will take over a year to try all combinations of a 4 digit pin.

To do what the fbi want involves Apple creating a new os for that iPhone that removes the max pin tries and rate limit permitting the fbi to rapidly try all pin combinations

If they succeed in this case and delete the os, how long before other TLA's and governments ask for the same, especially since they know it's possible.

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