Reply to post: Re: Something doesn't compute

US DoJ files motion to compel Apple to obey FBI iPhone crack order


Re: Something doesn't compute

There is nothing to stop bad guys from doing anything - all the technology in the world will not stop them, that's just wishful thinking. There were terrorists before iPhones, some were way more successful than the current crop (cf.

Making everyone unsafe by using the legal system to create bad public policy is not the role or mission of government agencies or anyone in the executive branch. As someone said upthread, the FBI is asking Apple and ALL OF US to "Please leave all your doors & windows wide open to help us catch the murderous thugs & rapists who are roaming your neighborhood."

Any way you slice it, it's a very, very bad development - it's the kind of cavalier abuse of legal power that has already undermined the US tech industry in many ways, most visibly in the current EU privacy mess.

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