Reply to post: Re: Contempt of Court

US DoJ files motion to compel Apple to obey FBI iPhone crack order

Malcolm Weir Silver badge

Re: Contempt of Court

No, Apple's non-compliance will (obviously) take the form of appeals from the (tiny, insignificant, junior, rubber-stamping) "Magistrate Judge" to other judges, likely ending up with an appeal to SCOTUS, who may or may not grant cert.

If they lose at that point, then they'll almost certainly comply. But with such loud complaints and public announcements of "future" features to prevent this that they'll come out OK, and the government will lose.

I find interesting that the DOJ's efforts spend a lot of time on the ownership of the phone, as if anyone cared once the search warrant was issued. Since this is s settled point (i.e. they have the phone and the warrant) the fact that the DOJ harps on about seems to me to suggest that they may be aware of the slipperiness of their footing.

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