Reply to post: Apple is mostly right

Why Tim Cook is wrong: A privacy advocate's view


Apple is mostly right

You portray Apple's position as black and white, but it really isn't. Apple is being asked to spend their own money breaking into their own OS. No matter what they do, there'll always be *some* attack that can work against even future phones, even if it requires taking the phone apart atom-by-atom.

Apple is saying "No, we won't do this," and wants to stop now, even though the costs are probably not prohibitive today for a single iPhone 5C.

In other words, Apple doesn't want to be ordered to spend their own money to subvert their own security. It will *never* be *impossible* for them to get keys out of a phone. But it will be increasingly expensive, time consuming and likely have an increasing likelihood that an error will accidentally destroy the data on the phone.

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