Reply to post: Too bad he explains landing controls wrong!

Pilot posts detailed MS Flight Sim video of how to land Boeing 737

imanidiot Silver badge

Too bad he explains landing controls wrong!

Too bad he explains landing controls wrong! And in a way that will likely get everyone killed in an overspeed/overshoot or undershoot/stall. Attitude (nose-height) controls SPEED. Engines control descent angle. Lowering the nose doesn't actually make you land much closer, it just increases speed. Bbecause of the increased speed, the wings produce more lift and the angle of decent doesn't change as much as you'd expect. Raising the nose slows you down and not knowing about stalls and what to do about them a novice is just going to pull back even harder. I find it very sad that someone who seems to be a professional pilot drops the ball on this one so hard.

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