Reply to post: Re: "back in the day there were many interesting websites written by authors"

GitHub to devs: 'We ignored you but we never stopped caring'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "back in the day there were many interesting websites written by authors"

> I increasingly find good solutions to stuff on StackOverflow

So do I. I find all the good solutions from the last five years, never mind that any of those older than about six months has been obsoleted by changes in the technology at hand¹, and never mind that the vast majority of those solutions are copypastas from someone else's blog or, if you're lucky, the actual manual that you could have read yourself.

I wouldn't dislike StackOverflow if I hadn't seen so many bits of code mindlessly copied from there without a trace of critical judgement.

One thing I like about IRC is precisely that it is not searchable² so information ages at a similar pace as the technology itself.

¹ Of course, the newer solutions are also there. And because they're newer they haven't accumulated so many "votes" so are buried somewhere in the site.

² Not in an evident way. Many channels have bots logging 24/7, but Google will never tell you unless you actively hint at those logs.

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