Reply to post: Re: How about adding the penalty of......

Virgin Atlantic co-pilot dazzled by laser

werdsmith Silver badge

Re: How about adding the penalty of......

Class 1 and 2 lasers wouldn't have been noticed from 8000 feet in daylight and wouldn't have caused eye damage anyway.

Class 1: "the output power is below the level at which it is believed eye damage will occur."

Class 2: "A person receiving an eye exposure from a Class 2 laser beam, either accidentally or as a result of someone else’s deliberate action (misuse) will be protected from injury by their own natural aversion response. This is a natural involuntary response which causes the individual to blink and avert their head thereby terminating the eye exposure. Repeated, deliberate exposure to the laser beam may not be safe."

Any higher class is dangerous and you would normally have to import them from China.

But the 1-5mW green pointer lasers from Maplins can be tampered with so that their output power is scarily high. Just change the regulating resistor, simple instructions available on YouTube, the Maplins Laser Pointer can be turned into a burning laser.

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