Reply to post: Re: Tiny one

Shopping for PCs? This is what you'll be offered in 2016

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: Tiny one

I think the Tiny One is attempting to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist. The marketing implies that the main benefit is the quick and easy upgrade of the system unit, independently of the screen. Yet I have to question just how often that will really happen. I suspect for many companies and users upgrading the system unit is a once in n years event where n is some value between 3~10.

So all I can see is just another proprietary laptop docking station without the benefits of the laptop.

What this example does illustrate is how the majors still haven't really got their collective heads around the mounting of the system unit on the back of the monitor using the VESA mounts. Such systems have been around for years, just the majors don't want to mainstream them...

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