Reply to post: Re: "giant aquarium"

Send tortuous stand-up ‘nine-thirty’ meetings back to the dark ages

Cpt Blue Bear

Re: "giant aquarium"

"The kind of meeting I hated most, is the one they fly you out there for."

I have developed a simple defense against this this form of time wasting: if you want me in to attend a meeting on the other side of the country you will fly me business class. Meeting is at 9:30? Fine, you can fly me in the afternoon before, stick me in a convenient hotel and organise some form of transport to have me there on time.

Don't want to do those things? Then you don't need me in that meeting enough.

It may make me sound like a cunt but better that is a small price to pay. An unexpected upside is you get treated with a strange level of respect by people who would treat you like dirt if you showed up in cab fresh off the redeye.

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