Reply to post: Re: Code Review

This is why copy'n'paste should be banned from developers' IDEs


Re: Code Review

In the Delphi code example, the one with lots of code redundancy, in what development language would such code be impossible to write?

In C# developers are strongly encouraged to use a StringBuilder object to concatenate strings (surely a result of having slower performing string performance than Delphi...), but that does nothing to prevent this particular type of code rot. I've certainly seen a lot of messy C# code around.

Delphi is a strongly-typed development language underpinned by a fast compiler/linker (unless that changed after introducing support for generics?). These days I favor C#, but that is mostly down to practical reasons, not due to any technical shortcoming of Delphi (though they still lacked generics, unicode and 64-bit support back when I stopped using it, but those features have since been duly implemented afaik and I expect they have something similar to LINQ too).

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