Reply to post: Re: Um, this is ridiculously illegal

Microsoft hits the gas in drive to recruit autistic techies


Re: Um, this is ridiculously illegal

As near as I can tell, you are correct. As the laws in most "western" countries stand, this is illegal. Somehow a hodge podge of rules were assembled which seem to do a reasonable job at making it more difficult to discriminate against major and minor elements of society. But it seems that the only way to reduce discrimination against some socially "disabled" people is to have prior knowledge. And as near as I can tell, the characterization of how many people like this are employable, is that they are trace (not major, not minor). And being a trace element of society, they will never have the economic or political power to get attention from government.

When I've had jobs, I seem able to work with my fellow employees reasonably well. There are some problems, but I don't think that is unusual. My problem is with the hiring process itself. Process and rules of thumb used to process applications make assumptions about me, which do not give me a fair chance.

Before people think I am just whinging. I didn't know I was on the spectrum until I had already been in the workforce for about 20 years. And I tried for about another 10 years to find employment knowing that I was on the spectrum, but not saying anything to employers. It doesn't work. Potential employers have to know, in order to give me a chance.

The alternative is a complete rewrite of the hiring API and libraries. Something we've hacked together since the Industrial age began.

It really should be rewritten anyway, but it would be expensive.

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