Reply to post: Re: Adds or Drugs (Meds) ?

FTC: Duo bought rights to Android game – then turned it into ad-slinging junkware in an update


Re: Adds or Drugs (Meds) ?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that case hinges on US health insurance companies having this strange idea to buy brand name rather than generic, when the patent runs out. His medicine was out of patent, so people just switched to generics.

I regret to say you are incorrect. To paraphrase (but hopefully represent the case), this is a drug that was permitted under a different regulatory system that that which exists now. In order to introduce a generic, drugs companies would have to jump through expensive hoops, and possibly (although I'm not an expert in the area) take a very long time about it. As this bastard owns the drug of that name (forget about so called generics - noe are licensed), he can charge what he believes the market will bear.

Personally I would be more interested in seeing whether his testicles would bear his weight if he was suspended by them over a deep pool of laser wielding sharks, but that is only a personal opinion I should add and I do not condone, or encourage anyone to do it, at least without a watertight alibi.

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