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Reminder: iPhones commit suicide if you repair them on the cheap

heyrick Silver badge

"On the one hand, there is a valid case for preventing unknown components affect the security container in Apple devices, because that manes that even a hardware hack won't expose data."

Which all sounds very nice and cosy, but it is complete bollocks.

If iOS bricked itself the moment you powered up with unofficial hardware installed, then all this "privacy" theatre would make sense. That it waits for an update (which could be months, or longer) shows that this is just plain old fashioned protectionism wrapped in nice words designed to placate people who don't want to think too hard. You are "vulnerable" from the time of modification until the time of update, and then your "security" is suddenly important enough to require the update process to intentionally kill the device's functionality? I can't believe people believe such rubbish.

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