Reply to post: Re: Three glasses of whisky

When customers try to be programmers: 'I want this CHANGED TO A ZERO ASAP'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Three glasses of whisky

"Then 100 metres down the road had to turn back as the answer had just occurred to me."

I used to wake up in the middle of the night with the answer to a lot of problems. On more than one occasion I realised that I had been barking completely up the wrong tree and a different approach was needed. That's why I don't believe in "stay till its fixed". It just puts pressure on to come up with a fix without unravelling too much code that should not have been written like that.

I guess it depends on your mindset. One partner at my father's firm used to deal with case papers, instantly forget each one when he was up to date, and then start the next case. He would get through his caseload, go home and play bridge. My father, on the other hand, might have several things going at once but left the office promptly at 5:30. During the evening he might have a eureka moment, scribble a note to himself and deal with it next day. They both seemed to do about as well as one another.

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