Reply to post: Re: The comment about the one and zero sounds apocryphal

When customers try to be programmers: 'I want this CHANGED TO A ZERO ASAP'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The comment about the one and zero sounds apocryphal

That's usually an issue when people use hardcoded valuesinstead of defining and using constants, and then ensure the proper constants are used everywhere.

if you defined the UNDEFINED constand as some value (i..e. 0) you can change it later (i.e. 0xFFFFFFFF) without having to chase all the code where you tested for 0. This a very simple example, but I've seen to many people avoiding using constants and types like enumerations which lead to better, sounder code, and more readable also, relying instead of "known" hardcoded values.

Sometimes I believe the refusal of some to use modern, powerful IDEs or code editors, and relying on simpler ones, lead them to write lazy code for lack of useful code navigation tools. And of course real programmers never use code analysis tools...

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