Reply to post: Re: Hate it anyway

See that fist punching through the clouds? That's Veeam's, that is

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Hate it anyway

Dude, you're not using it right then. I've got mine doing crazy stuff.

Flat file backups, no problem.

Full VM backups, done.

Test the VM (even log into it in the Virtual lab and retrieve files), yup did that.

Backup DB using client aware VSS functions, yup, didn't bust my DB.

The biggest complaint I've got right now (and we're using v8 not v9) is that if you thick provision your VMs it wants to read the entire volume and not just the used space. Apparently, if you thin provision them this doesn't happen. Also, deleted space inside your VMs gets written to the backup unless you zero them out with sdelete or some other utility, and that's because Veeam uses a block level backup and is totally unaware of whether the data is active or deleted garbage (again, sdelete seems to resolve this).

If you can't get yours to do backflips and other tricks, you need to come hang out on the forum. Lots of people doing crazy stuff with it in there.


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