Reply to post: "Access"? Not in this case.

You've seen things people wouldn't believe – so tell us your programming horrors


"Access"? Not in this case.

Had to demolish the back-end of a server-based multi-user Access database "designed" without a clue of the principles of relational databases. Then rebuilt the back-end on-principle so it actually could do something. Then the chief of the users went to corporate and took credit for the improvement. Had inherited the "database" from a colleague.

Big corp's over here were scared of their own shadows when it came to termination. So I was marginalized, Japanese style: desk, phone, PC, laptop, title, and no responsibilities. Me? He!!, no! So I looked around the room for the 1,000-kilo bear no-one else wanted to touch. Microsoft Access. So I got the MS "Bible" and read it, also read a primer on relational database principles, and went to work. In addition to the aforementioned, soon I had a small cult of users whose needs I could fulfill.

In short, I believe, I made myself useful. Perhaps my superiors were surprised. He!!, *I* was surprised!

No-one is indispensable. But, beginning with that first inherited "Dirty Job" with Access, at least I edged myself away from the brink.

I know this doesn't count as real coding. But I hope others find it interesting.

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