Reply to post: Re: LAN connectivity useful, internet not so much

Five technologies you shouldn't bother looking out for in 2016


Re: LAN connectivity useful, internet not so much

Having had a kitchen which was a long trek from the living room,

Checking whether the breadmaker was done, in the kitchen 40m away*, was performed using a truly ancient HP digicam driven by a bit of shellscripting wrapped around a very minimalistic set of camera drivers**. This setup managed one photo per 45 seconds: one for taking the picture, 43 for transferring it to the host (serial at 9600 baud) and one again for deleting the image on the camera. Putting the most recent 200 pics on a local webpage allowed us to view the progress from the living room

* this was in a former office building.

** definitely not written by HP, otherwise they'd be a quarter of a gigabyte for half the functionality.

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