Reply to post: Re: is the solar system therefore much bigger (than previously thought)?

Boffins: There's a ninth planet out there – now we just need to find it

wolfetone Silver badge

Re: is the solar system therefore much bigger (than previously thought)?

Well NASA said that Voyager had experienced an event whereby they thought Voyager had exited the "safety" of the solar system and was now on the fringe of interstellar space. I think they then backtracked on that, but that's the last I heard.

The problem is, if this Nibiru/Ziggy Stardust/Bowie/Gruber/Lemmy/Big Bloody Dwarf planet is in it's own orbit going along a Y-axis instead of an X-axis, it could very well be the case that Voyager has still left interstellar space. If this planet is on the X-axis of the solar system, then it still has a long way to go.

If only they knew then what we know now, and they could have sent the other Voyager spacecraft after it. Oh well!

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