Reply to post: Why the hate?

It's Wikipedia mythbuster time: 8 of the best on your 15th birthday


Why the hate?

Why are so many people out there so adamantly against Wikipedia? You say the articles are incorrect. Which ones? There are 5 million articles out there (I looked it up - guess where.). Are they all incorrect, flawed? You say 'go to the source'. Ok, I want to know when Intel started with 64 bit processors. Type in intel 64 bit processor for google search. First on list is wiki's article, which gives a great chronology of chips. Is this incorrect? Is this not answering my question in a succinct manner? If I click on the first intel link I go to (not surprisingly) intel's splashy front page touting their greatest, latest products. Not what I want. How many pages do I have to go through to get an answer to my simple question? Yes, somewhere buried in the bowels of the intel site is exactly what I want, but how long will it take to find?

Show me the molecular structure of caffeine. Is this incorrect? What are related stimulants? Methylxanthines. Is this wrong? Gee, I wonder what else is related to this. One click. Do I want to see references? Sure. One click. Could I get this through PubMed? Sure, along with miles of other info that I could spend hours going through.

As asked before, just what are you using wikipedia for? I use it for simple questions with simple answers, mostly just because I'm curious.

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