Reply to post: Re: Freedom of speech dies

Snowden bag-carrier Miranda's detention was lawful – UK appeal court

Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

Re: Freedom of speech dies

"if the publication endangers life and the person publishing the material intends it to (or is reckless as to whether it does) have that effect."

Suddenly Draw Mohammed Day becomes an act of terrorism.

But how is that materially different from the old freedom of speech test of "shouting FIRE in a crowded theatre"?. All freedoms necessarily have some limits, when they start to impinge on other freedoms. Publishing information with the intention of hurting someone, or in cavalier disregard of the fact that it may cause injury, is surely foolish at the very least, and should be punished?

"Draw Mohammed Day" shouldn't cause any problems by that definition, but "publish Snowden's address and schedule, with details of his security team's weaknesses" could, for example.

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