Reply to post: Re: The human pilots just do the easy bits...

Aircraft now so automated pilots have forgotten how to fly


Re: The human pilots just do the easy bits...


Almost certainly not. If they were then the pilots concerned would get a real workout. Bf109s are notorious for their takeoffs. Narrow undercarriage, gyroscopic effect of the prop and so on made handling one a real challenge.

There are plenty of aircraft available today that can provide a challenge - just try some of the tow aircraft that are used to take gliders up. You really will understand what it is like to fly an aircraft with a ludicrously powerful engine for it's size.

I am type rated for, and have occasional access to a replica of a Sopwith Camel. And yes, I can confirm that it is easier to do a 270 turn in one direction, than 90 in the other.

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