Reply to post: Re: TCO?

Boffins switch on pinchfist incandescent bulb

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: TCO?

"Efficiency is lumens per watt."

Except that most people would prefer "efficiency" to be a dimensionless quantity expressed as a percentage. Also, to maximise lumens per watt you would emit green light, which wouldn't be pleasant for domestic use.

I wish they'd agree on a sensible definition of efficiency for use in product descriptions. It could be something like: the brightness of the light after it has been filtered so as to have the same colour as standard daylight as perceived by a standard human eye divided by the maximum brightness possible with the given power consumption. (I think that there are already standard definitions of daylight and human colour perception. According to this definition, a monochromatic green LED would have 0% efficiency because the only way to filter it into a daylight colour would be to block it completely. An incandescent bulb would be slightly penalised by the need for a bluish filter to turn it into daylight colour.)

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