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Rejoice, Penguinistas, Linux 4.4 is upon us

Pompous Git Silver badge

If you are an engineer, do you use "weight" when you mean "mass" with your colleagues?

If you are a statistician, do you talk about "precision" when you mean "accuracy"?

Clearly not. But I can read and it says on my desktop, right now, ""Linux Mint 17.2". And a couple of metres to my left is a bookshelf where there is a manual that clearly says on the spine "SuSE Linux 7.1 The Handbook". Perhaps you could take up this "misuse" of terminology with the people who manage these distributions. In the meantime, as pedantic as I can be at times, I'm more than happy with the colloquialism. When I use the term "Linux" most will take that to mean an operating system and clearly, a kernel is not an operating system.

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