Reply to post: Re: Ludicrous lawsuit. No tangible injury.

VW floats catalytic converter as fix for fibbing diesels

MD Rackham

Re: Ludicrous lawsuit. No tangible injury.

Germans can do no wrong, eh? Or if they do wrong, they should be left off the hook because, I don't know, they're German? No, VW has been exposed as lying cheats and need to be penalized.

You import cars, you agree to obey the rules, which have penalties attached to them. Don't want to obey the rules, don't import cars. Try to cheat instead? You pay the penalties.

The rules are very carefully specified and clear to anyone who cares to read, not "holy EPA scriptures," whatever that implies.

As for test results not matching road results: of course there is a difference. But go back and look at the phrase you chose to ignore: "significantly higher."

If you drive the car on the road and run the same basic profile as the tests, the results should be similar. Not "significantly higher."

And you might want to brush up on US legal forms if you want to understand why there are such odd-sounding things as a "prayer for relief" and an injunction against VW cheating and lying again.

(Rant back at ya)

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