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Confirmed: How to stop Windows 10 forcing itself onto PCs – your essential guide


Re: Who owns my computer?

>"Anyone with half a brain should now seriously start thinking about moving to Linux. Apple is headed to the same direction so only Linux remains a viable alternative."

The good news is that Linux is ready for it now. I tried Linux around 2010 along with the (then) utterly busted 'Open Office.' It was a disaster!

Scroll on two years and I figure I have no choice. I jump to Mint Linux KDE edition and… what a world of difference! The fastest, cleanest, easiest to use OS I have ever known - and I have played with a lot in my time. I found free, open source alternatives for ALL my Windows software, devoid of product keys, activation codes, adverts, nagware or weird GUI's from the different Windows UIs spanning Windows 2000 to 10 where Microsoft could not work out what Windows apps should be.

Just clean, fast software that worked.

When I found a non-linear, multi-track video editor (Kdenlive by name) which was faster, easier to use and more reliable than my Windows SW, I was sold! I have been in hog heaven ever since. I have to use Windows 7 occasionally at work and it just so painful in comparison. My Windows using colleagues think that waiting five minutes for a flash drive to be mounted is normal.

Not everyone can jump completely yet but there is more and more of a case having a dual boot system or running Linux as the primary OS and running Windows in a VM with Linux being used for as much serious work as possible and keeping Windows just for the odd game or critical piece of Windows software that cannot be replaced. Using Linux for day to day work is fast becoming pretty much the only way to have any privacy on the desktop.

Plus, contrary to popular opinion, Linux is now WAAAAAYYYY easier and more straightforward to use than Windows - and I would argue Mac as well.

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