Reply to post: Re: Ah, let me tell you about the EPA.

Happy new year, VW: Uncle Sam sues over engine cheatware

Dan Paul

Re: Ah, let me tell you about the EPA.

You have no idea as you morons welcome the hand of government up your skirts every day. You whiny "intellectuals" don't even comprehend the scale of the US let alone what happens when the government is way out of control and overstepping its bounds by trying to regulate what supposedly qualifies as "wetlands". Just because there is an occasional puddle once in a blue moon doesn't mean this land is a regulated "wetlands"

It's not hate for the environment, it's hate for an unjust and tyrannical government that has overreached and overregulated the lives of many ranchers and farmers. Those people were living on the land long before BLM existed.

Would it be too much to assume that any of you 'tards understand anything you comment blindly on?

I guess so....

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