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One's Aspire One. Is it done?

jake Silver badge

Re: One's Aspire One. Is it done?


This round's on me :-)

"There's some minimal distros based on Slackware that I came across, designed for netbooks and other old slow kit"

This machine is a near 14 year old HP Pavillion laptop. It has run Slack-current the entire 14 years. (Granted, it now has 2 gigs of RAM, instead of the stock half gig ...)

"But I'm going to need to pick something with decent numbers of active online posters"

Check out the newsgroup alt.os.linux.slackware ... I know, I know, "USENET is scary", but quite honestly if you were to copy & paste what you posted here on ElReg, you'll get positive answers. Maybe even from me, in another life ;-)

Install Ubuntu, learn Ubuntu. Install Slackware, learn un*x.

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