Reply to post: Re: >One suspects Apple's response will be "well what did you expect?"

iOS 9 kludged our iPhones, now give us money, claims new lawsuit


Re: >One suspects Apple's response will be "well what did you expect?"

Several years back I installed Solaris 10 on an old Ultra 5. The installer produced a pop-up advising that the machine was below the minimum recommended specification, but allowed me to proceed. This was fine for me as it was intended to run headless to compile targeting Solaris/SPARC as part of a batch job. In this instance all that mattered was that the code would execute correctly (even if 'run' isn't exactly the right word) but I was made aware before the installation actually began that performance would be below par. This is the important bit - I was able to make an informed decision.

This was about 7 years or so ago. And Apple can't manage this in 2015, apparently.

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