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Trustworthy x86 laptops? There is a way, says system-level security ace

Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge

Slot machines?

Has anyone looked to see what slot machine vendors have to say about this? They worry about security (both for the obvious reasons, and regulatory framework that ironically requires slot machines to have much higher security than ATMs or electronic voting machines). I've seen one boot, it's pretty verbose.. the BIOS validated itself, the bootloader, and the package it booted. The bootloader validated the BIOS and packages (kernel and root filesystem). It booted into Linux, which validated the bootloader, the kernel and the executables. The executable appeared to run a self-check of some sort before the slot machine software came up.

Not that a setup like that would be viable for most systems, as I want to be able to actually add and remove software from my system. But, they may have something practical to say about (for example) being able to disable or restrict the ME, so people who are not interested in it's functionality are not exposed to the potential additional attack surface it represents.

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