Reply to post: Re: "Vacated their mind bowels" - a lovely phrase

Let's shut down the internet: Republicans vacate their mind bowels

Geoffrey W

Re: "Vacated their mind bowels" - a lovely phrase

@big john

I could say that the Register was just doing (the opposite of) what you often claim your beloved Rush Limbaugh does all the time: Baiting Liberals (Conservatives in this case). You applaud Rush for what he does, so I would assume its likewise OK to bait folks like yourself. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

But, really, The Register is a tech website that prides itself on its sarcastic tone and, as such, was merely reporting in its own house style on the tech subjects being debated by a group of potentially very influential people who it appears are extremely ignorant of tech subjects. If you feel that's not worthy of comment then what on earth are we all supposed to do? Take a GOP favoring stance and gloss over all the shortcomings of what the GOP hopefuls say, just because some like yourself approve of them? Perhaps ignore what they say altogether? And if we take a GOP friendly stance in this case then presumably we are also to take a Democratic friendly stance when they get up to yack about all the shit they know nothing about, and your good self will likewise keep silent also in deference to the liberals reading?

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