Reply to post: Strawy man, strawy man, does whatever a straw, er, can...

Lettuce-nibbling veggies menace Mother Earth

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Strawy man, strawy man, does whatever a straw, er, can...

"So now the vegans and eco-freaks will be telling us WHICH vegetables we can eat."

Calm down dear. It's only a clickbait article and the strawman vegans you're frightened will steal your guns (even if you're not American) and take over the world will surely be too weak from eating nothing but lettuce and celery anyway! (#)

"Eating lettuce is over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions [per calorie] than eating bacon."

Seriously, that's like pointing out that "energy efficient" lightbulbs actually require *more* electricity to heat your house than the old tungsten ones. True, and intentionally missing the point.

No-one in their right mind- not even actual, real-world, eco-freak commie vegetarian vegans- eats lettuce for the sodding calories. If it has a selling point, it's the lack of them.

Mostly it's used for filler, texture and/or vitamins. Not calories.

Disclaimer: Not even a vegetarian, let alone a vegan.

(#) In all seriousness, I'm actually curious if you could get enough energy to survive on solely by eating an unlimited supply of lettuce, accounting for the energy you'd have to put in to that activity and any other minimal requirements necessary for life.

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