Reply to post: Re: Uhm, isn't the sarcasm sign always on, on this site?

Tablet computer zoom error saw plane fly 13 hours with 46cm hole


Re: Uhm, isn't the sarcasm sign always on, on this site?

"Hmm, do the Brits know what duck-tape is?"

I have yet to learn how to indent a quote like Vic so elegantly does it.

At the risk of being too pedantic about your otherwise entertaining post [Ahem] no I doubt The Brits (or anyone else) knows what duck tape is. What part of the duck is it made from, what's it used for, and where do you buy it? What colour is it, plain white like a regular duck or does it have black and green patches like a mallard or perhaps an Egyptian goose?

We have something much more useful though. It's called gaffer tape and they use it in the film industry to hold everything together. In fact there's a saying that everything in the world can be fixed using either gaffer tape or WD40 - if it moves and shouldn't, tape it; if doesn't move and should, spray it.

Or were you - w-a-a-a-a-a-a-i-i-i-t a m-i-n-u-u-u-u-u-t-e - were you referring to "duct" tape? Oh, same thing as gaffer tape. Yes, The Brits have heard of that.

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