Reply to post: Re: Slightly less silly than it sounds

National Crime Agency: Your kid could be a nasty interwebs hacker


Re: Slightly less silly than it sounds

Is there really a need to talk about "using your powers for good" though? A lot of kids are probably just working with computers for fun, or maybe just looking to keep a Minecraft server running for their friends.

This kind of reads as "If your kids are interested in computers you should make sure they stick to the approved learning paths, as being self taught or a hobbiest risks becoming a criminal!", which I worry would result in parents pressuring their kids to start doing classes/certification they're not interested in because it's the "right" and "safe" way to learn it, resulting in a kid who might have developed an interest to the point they did it professionally instead burning out and losing interest in the field

Basically, while talking with kids about career paths is good, and making parents aware of what they can do to help their kids, this seems to do so at the cost of stigmatising people just doing it for fun

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