Reply to post: HMRC - struggling to leave the dark ages

Facebook's UK wing paid just £4k in corporation tax last year


HMRC - struggling to leave the dark ages

Strikes me that we've been let down by our tax collectors. The world has been moving on for some years and the global and digital nature of business transactions hasn't been a stealthy transition - rather it's been an "in your face, obvious to all" journey; well observed and documented. Except, that is, by HMRC. So now, in 2015, when our tax laws are antiquated, geography bound, anachronistic and ineffective - we blame google, facebook, amazon et al when in fact we should be blaming our own tax collection body for failing over a number of years to read the runes and update our tax laws to reflect the world in which we live.

I echo the sentiment expressed by one of the organisations concerned - there's no "moral" obligation to pay tax. It's a legal obligation. No private individual overpays tax because he/she feels a moral obligation. If we have additional money, and a conscience, we support charities. We pay the amount of tax that the law requires us to pay. HMRC needs to get its finger out and make sure our tax laws are modern and relevant rather than moaning about how big corporate should somehow get a sense of injustice. Come on Lin - jump into the present

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