Reply to post: Re: At Least Get an Old Person to proof-read the article

Remember Windows 1.0? It's been 30 years (and you're officially old)


Re: At Least Get an Old Person to proof-read the article

Windows 3.11 on the other hand was to me at least a notoriously buggy interim release, quickly replaced by Windows 95 (and my company skipped Windows 3.11 entirely; so I view 3.11 as the first _Vista_ type release - the one to ignore until the right one came along).

This is completely at odds with my remembrances, my experience was that Windows For Workgroups 3.11 was the first edition that gained any traction in a business environment, allied with the TCP stack add-on, and is certainly the first Windows edition I remember dealing with in any numbers. Prior to that we used to run MS-DOS and various custom front ends like XTree Gold.

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