Reply to post: Re: Technology will not help when the problem is on the human side.

Tech firms fight anti-encryption demands after Paris murders

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Technology will not help when the problem is on the human side.

Italy embassy in Santo Domingo was shut down after it issued visas to people who had them refused by Spain previously (they were caught while attempting to enter Spain). Recently a prostitution network was shutdown, and was found women entered Europe using "fake" passports issued in Lagos (and with a visa). It was "lucky" it was just poor women, and not Boko Haram terrorists...

Passports and visas are today a great revenues source for gov/embassies/consulates employees ready to be bribed - but they are highly protected because, hey, they're in the diplomatic carreer, aren't they?

It looks there are far more basic security issues than strong encryption.

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