Reply to post: Re: Well that's a good solution

'Shut down the parts of internet used by Islamic State masterminds'


Re: Well that's a good solution

"Where suspicious activity is found, DON'T shut the site down, but monitor more intensively (again, no new legislation or powers needed). Most importantly, instead of gathering everyone's data and searching for needles in a billion haystacks, you're at least searching in just a couple of haystacks."

That works fine if the website is hosted by someone friendly to both the US and surveillance. If it isn't then you're not going to be able to monitor at the server end of the connection, you'll have to monitor at the user end. How do you do that? Sweep up everyone's internet connection records and filter them for connections to the suspicious site. That's pretty much exactly the plan for the snooper's charter in the UK.

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