Reply to post: Re: There is only one solution

How to build a city fit for 50℃ heatwaves

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: There is only one solution

@ x 7 & ecofeco

Back in 1960s and ’70s dire global-cooling predictions were hyped and given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and numerous other mainstream media outlets. According to the man-made global-cooling theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now owing to cooling-linked crop failures and starvation. Where are they?

UNEP predictions in 2005 claimed that, by 2010, some 50 million “climate refugees” would be frantically fleeing from the Caribbean and low-lying Pacific islands, along with coastal areas. Not only did the areas in question fail to produce a single “climate refugee,” by 2010, population levels for those regions were actually still soaring. In many cases, the areas that were supposed to be producing waves of “climate refugees” and becoming uninhabitable have turned out to be some of the fastest-growing places on Earth. The Solomon Islands for example saw a major population boom during that time frame, gaining another 100,000 people, or an increase of about 25 percent.

China's top six fastest growing cities were all within the areas highlighted by the UN as likely sources of “climate refugees.” Many of the fastest-growing U.S. cities were also within or close to “climate refugee” danger zones touted by the UN.

Rather than go on, I will leave you with the advice to watch out for that giant mutant spacegoat ;-)

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