Reply to post: Re: Oh FFS

Microsoft Windows 7 Pro: Halloween Horror for PC makers next year


Re: Oh FFS

Its seems to me that Windows 10 will be the "first ones free" model as well. I think that's why they are trying to eradicate all the perpetual licences and move people off older versions as 'persuasively' and as fast as they can. Its obvious they're eager to monetize the Win 10 users as fast as they possibly can.

I'm pretty certain once they've got a critical mass that have given up their Win XP/7/8Vista licences that they could use as long as they wanted the charges will come, whether is via holding user data to ransom via Azure and charging for it, or charging an Office 365 type subscription, its bound to come. It's blatantly obvious the "cloud first, Windows as a service" model is intended to generate a regular income from their userbase, Windows 10 isn't being given away as a charitable donation.

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