Reply to post: Re: Reboots?

Star Trek to go boldly back onto telly, then beam down in streams

TRT Silver badge

Re: Reboots?

Sorry. Have you never heard of the term "spinoff"?

They (TNG, DS9, Voyager & Enterprise) are neither "reboots" nor "sequels". They are set in the original TOS universe, but do not continue to use any of the original cast as regular characters (beyond Majel Barrett, and I don't think we can count "Federation Computer" as an actual "character")

They are SPINOFFS. With occasional cross-overs and guest appearances.

The only true "sequel" would be ST:TAS.

The only "reboot" is the new film series set in the lens-flare universe. Does anyone have a handy chalk-board in their living room in order to sketch out where the time-line skews?

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