Reply to post: Re: Stop being a dick.

Linus Torvalds fires off angry 'compiler-masturbation' rant

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Stop being a dick.

"No need to go all postal in the process."

The _only_ times I've seen Linus go off at individuals is when said individuals had done more than enough to deserve it.

He doesn't do it for a 1st (or even a 2nd or 3rd) offence. You have to be a serial submitter of poor code to get the public scorning and it's done because certain individuals are such precious little flowers that public humiliation is the only way the message sinks in.

This isn't a company. He can't fire people. They can't even be banned from submitting. They can only be named and shamed if they're continually wasting Linus' (and others') time.

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