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Patch this braXen bug: Hypervisor hole lets guest VMs hijack hosts

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: C

for the most part, performance comes from good algorthims

Complete rot. The vast majority of embedded, business, and personal1 software is not CPU-bound, so "good [algorithms]" have relatively little effect on performance.

good algorithms come from developer productivity

What a bizarre fantasy.

"Good" (by some metric) algorithms either already exist and are only waiting to be discovered, if you're a Platonist, or come from computer scientists - that is, people who do research into algorithms. The use of "good" algorithms in software is overwhelmingly determined by the use of libraries and frameworks supplied by a relatively small cadre of developers and used by a much, much larger group of application developers; since the latter group tend to lag the former by years, if not decades, the productivity of the former is not a constraint.

1Except for graphically-intensive games, which these days do most of their computing on GPUs and not general-purpose CPUs anyway.

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