Reply to post: Re: Pity they didn't shoot him

Cops use terror powers to lift BBC man's laptop after ISIS interview


Re: Pity they didn't shoot him

You don't *know* he's an idiot, you *think* he's an idiot based on what he has written in his posts and what your definition of an idiot is. Other people's opinion may differ.

Likewise he *thinks* you are a *fascist* based on what you have written and on his definition of what a fascist is. Again, other people's opinions may differ.

You have both shared your opinion of the other; to a third party there is no difference in the way that the conclusions were arrived at, and therefore your opinions of each other carry equal weight.

Personally I *think* you are someone who has misguidedly bought into the lie that the US and UK governments have sold you about how these measures are vital for democracy and the American/British way of life. Again that is my opinion based on what you have written; it may, or may not, be accurate.

I utterly deplore and detest ISIS and its various related organisations; I find their practices abhorrent and their philosophy warped and repellant (having actually had chance last night to watch some of the interview in question, which if you had your way I would not be allowed to do). However I believe that journalists have the right to go where they want and interview who they like without fear of reprisal or having to disclose source material. Anything else is allowing the thin end of the wedge; it may be ISIS this time but perhaps next time it will be a journalist who has interviewd a Greenpeace activist responsible for disrupting a Japanese whaling mission, or a member of CND for organising a peaceful protest outside the Trident submarine base or... well you get the drift..

As for "sory" blame a touch screen that I apparently double-tapped too fast, so I was auto-corrected!

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