Reply to post: Re: Ergonomics?

Finally, with W10, Microsoft’s device strategy makes sense

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Ergonomics?

>"What the world really needs is a simple, consistent and reliable operating system onto which appropriate interfaces can be grafted to match our hands, eyes and ears to the various new devices that are supposed to enhance our lives."

>>What? Like the Symbian OS?

That sounds like Linux plus your GUI-of-choice paradigm... dunno why you assumed Symbian.

What is harder is getting developers of applications (for Windows, or indeed Linux) to play ball. For example, it's 2015 and Photoshop still doesn't support ultra high resolution displays on Windows (Adobe blame MS, I wish I could knock their metaphoric heads together til they reach a solution).

Apple's history is a bit different - they have always published guidelines for 3rd party application UIs. Indeed, MS Office for OSX still has, gasp, real menus!

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