Reply to post: Re: I can name one excuse

Ransomware victims: Just pay up, grin, and bear it – says the FBI

theOtherJT Silver badge

Re: I can name one excuse

The backup system was affected by the attack and thus all the backups were encrypted by the same ransomware as everything else.

Ok, but what the hell was holding the backups? I get that the article said ransomware is becoming increasingly sophisticated, but how sophisticated are we really talking about here?

My nightly backups go to a large ZFS array running on a BSD box. I'm reluctant to believe they're going to have any joy infecting that.

The weekly's go offsite to a huge disk repository running some kind of scale out filesystem on Linux (I'll be honest, they won't let me on site with them, so I don't really know what's in there) and from there the monthly's are laid down on 3 tapes which are stored in 3 different safe locations.

I'm fairly certain whatever this is isn't getting to any of that either.

The only way I can see this happening is if the "backup" is just a NTFS shared folder on an unloved and unpatched Windows box - which might be sufficient to protect a home user from the little things like "My hard disk failed" but isn't appropriate for a business situation, where valuable data is involved surely?

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